Nomination at the Luxembourg Art Prize 2016
Luxembourg Art Prize 2016 – among the nominees with the paintings PORTRAIT „Ernst Fuchs“, „Udo Jürgens Fading“ and LANDSCAPE „Eisberge im „Gletschersee Jökulsàrlón Island I“
Luxembourg Art Prize 2016 – among the nominees with the paintings PORTRAIT „Ernst Fuchs“, „Udo Jürgens Fading“ and LANDSCAPE „Eisberge im „Gletschersee Jökulsàrlón Island I“
Award ceremony of the winners of the art competition 2016 of IG Windkraft Österreich at WUK, Währingerstrasse 59. My painting “Windenergie im Marchfeld” was nominated and shown on the video wall together with 10 other nominees.
Now we ourselves bring light, warmth and joy to the dull, rainy days. The first snow has already fallen on the mountains. Now it’s really time to get in the mood for the upcoming feast of love.